The Relationship Between Technology and Society

Technology is an ever-evolving part of everyday life. There is no telling what the future holds for technology, but one thing is for certain: it will continue to improve. The advances made in technology each year are nothing short of amazing. And when it comes to education, technology is playing a huge role in how students learn and what they learn.


Technology is the collective term for all the skills, systems, and techniques utilized in the creation of products or services, including scientific research, technical experimentation, and the achievement of specific goals, such as the development of automobiles. Among the broad categories of technological systems are scientific research and engineering, information and communication technologies, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, information systems, electrical engineering and computer science. In recent years, other areas have also emerged as important members of the technology community, including applied sciences, applied software, computer science, health informatics, multimedia, human-computer interaction, and multimedia art and design. As technology progresses, new fields of scientific study emerge as well. These include cognitive science, cognitive psychology, computer science, elearning, multimedia, networking, social science, and visual arts.

Technology plays a crucial role in every area of science and engineering. In the broad category of engineering, technology is found in the areas of manufacturing, transportation, energy, industrial and organizational technology, and cognitive science. In the narrower category of scientific research, technology is found in biological, engineering, environmental, neurological, and social sciences. Although much has been said about the importance of technology in society, many people still do not fully understand the impact that technology has on their everyday lives.