Info Business Solutions – An Introduction
Info Business Solutions has been operating in Albania since 1983 and has grown to become one of the most successful companies based in this small Mediterranean island. Info Business Solutions has been part of InfoSoft Group, a leader in Information Science, a successful and well-respected company throughout Europe and now, in Albania, an established and successful InfoBusiness Solutions member. The company is led by Mr. Stefano De Luca, a highly successful entrepreneur and investor, who has spent the last 30 years building up this company in a bid to build a “stand-alone” information technology company, which includes IT infrastructure development, information management systems and business processes management. Through the years, InfoBusiness Solutions has grown to become one of the world’s leading information solutions companies. This company offers several product lines, including:
In 2021, InfoBusiness Solutions was awarded the ” Venture for the Future: Commercialization of the Information Society” by the European Software Foundation. This award was made as a response to the need for Info Business Services throughout Europe. In the same year, Info Business Solutions was selected as one of the ” Leading Information and Knowledge Business Services Companies in Europe ” by the European Business Development Center. And in 2021, it received another award from the European Software Foundation for its “leadership in Information Security” initiative. Today, the company is recognized for its core competence in strategic planning, enterprise architecture, business management, e-commerce, web services and integrated communications.
Info Business Solutions has been able to expand into a number of countries across Europe, Africa and Asia. It has been able to establish itself in countries such as Australia, Botswana, Canada, China, Egypt, Kenya, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Romania, South Africa, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela and Vietnam. Today, the company has branches in over 90 countries around the globe and is well on its way to becoming a truly global leader. Info Business Solutions’ goal is to build a culture of knowledge and innovation that fosters collaboration, leadership, communication and change within all industries and across all sectors of society.