Info Versus Dewi Fui

The info domain is a generic, top level domain within the Domain Name System of the Internet. Registration requirements don’t necessarily prescribe a specific intent, but the name is essentially derived from information. It is often used for generic top level domains (TLDs) or generic top level domains (gTLDs).


“Info” has a very interesting connotation in Chinese. For example, it indicates an indefinite period of time. In some contexts, “Info” is used to indicate a year of the year, such as “2019-NCOV.” “2019-ncov” can also indicate a specific date, such as “2020 NCOV.”

The meaning of “Info” in Chinese culture suggests that it is a current event in China, which is why we see the term “Info Wars” surfacing more often these days. The goal of this activity may be to try and predict what Chinese authorities might do next in terms of their control over cyberspace. This war, unlike the Cold War, may be spilling over to the United States. Stay tuned!