The Role of News in Our Lives
News is essentially news regarding current affairs. This can be offered through a variety of media: print, television, radio, postal services, wire services, online publishing, or by the oral testimony of witnesses and observers to recent events. News is therefore an objective written account of recent happenings that are characterized by objectivity, honesty, and accuracy.
In the past, news items were mainly classified according to whether they were local or world news. But today, it is almost impossible to tell the difference between the two, as the internet has offered a way to get news instantly from anywhere around the world. Today the biggest newspaper in the UK is the Guardian, a great Britain based newspaper that also serves as a popular news agency. The Financial Times, another prominent London newspaper, is considered as one of the world’s best-selling newspapers, and also has a news service.
Today there are numerous news channels and websites available on the internet that report on recent news stories with the push of a button. Most of these websites are updated daily and have up-to-date information on latest happenings. The major British Newspapers, like the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail, the Daily Star, and the Financial Times, are solely online magazines. They have huge circulations and huge readership among the people across the globe. Some of the world’s top newspapers are today available through the internet. They are read online by millions of people.